
Home Care

Overnight care is when a Personal Assistant stays in your home overnight to ensure you care needs and security are met. This is for our Service Users that may feel anxious and require additional support alongside medication and personal care needs. Care during the night is suitable for anyone in need of extra support overnight – whether they have a spinal injury and need help turning safely in bed, or if they have dementia and regularly wake throughout the night. We’ll ensure we put the right level of support in place for you, so that you and your loved ones have peace of mind that you’re being looked after no matter the hour. Overnight care can be delivered in one of three ways: Sleeping night – when a carer sleeps in your home through the night but is on hand if you need support. Waking night – when a carer stays awake for the night and provides specialist care whenever you require. Caring Personal Assistants can supply either of these services and reduced cost when a 'sleeping Night' is required

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